Government of Saskatchewan Information Page

Saskatchewan industry partners can find information about regulatory, legislative and royalty-related reporting to the Government of Saskatchewan on thier website at

Government of Saskatchewan Reporting Directives. Industry can find ER Directives (click on Prerequisites) related to:

  • Petrinex Reporting
  • ER Crown Royalty and Freehold Production Tax Invoices
  • Enhanced Valuation Audit Program (EVAP) Directive PNG075

More information on how to obtain access to the Ministry's Integrated Resource Information System (IRIS), can be found at:

Notice to all Operators in Saskatchewan:
As part of its ongoing monitoring activities under The Oil and Gas Conservation Act and regulations, The Ministry Energy and Resources (ER) will continue conducting a review of reported information in Petrinex.  To better aid Industry, ER has developed a tentative schedule for when ER will contact the reporting Business Associate (BA) regarding records that are being audited for the 2017 production year.  Please see  letter for further details and schedule.

A revised SK EPAP Themes and Associated NCE updated 2019 Jan document has been published on the SK website. The document can be found with the following link - Noncompliance Events. - posted December 4, 2019