
Access to Petrinex (User Security)

In order to access Petrinex, each Business Associate (BA) must have a BA ID, and must also obtain a BA User Security Administrator (USA) ID.

How do I get access to Petrinex?
Instructions for applying for a BA and BA USA can be found by clicking on Apply for Access link found on the Petrinex website homepage (www.petrinex.ca), and the Overview section of the Petrinex website (Apply for Access).

What are the responsibilities of the BA USA?
The BA USA has the responsibility for setting up and managing security for all users of Petrinex for that BA. This includes the setting up of users and managing password resets, etc.

How do consultants access Petrinex on behalf of their clients?
Your clients may set you up as a user under their BA.  However, if you are a registered BA your clients may set you up as a Designate BA, which also allows you to access Petrinex on their behalf, under your BA ID.

How do I get a Password Reset?
Your BA USA manages password resets and should be contacted first to provide a password reset.

In Alberta, if you are the BA USA and there is no secondary BA USA, to change your password you must contact Crown Land Data at 1-780-644-2300 ext 4.

In Saskatchewan, if you are the BA USA and there is no secondary BA USA, to change your password you must contact ER Service Desk at 1-855-219-9373​.

In British Columbia, if you are the BA USA and there is no secondary BA USA, to change your password you must contact servicedesk@bcogca.ca​​. 

In Manitoba, if you are the BA USA and there is no secondary BA USA, to change your password you must contact MB Petroleum Group at 1-204-945-1119 or 1-800-223-5215​​.​

Whom can I contact for help regarding Petrinex access?
Your BA USA manages Petrinex access for users and should be contacted to have user access set up, or to reset user passwords.  If you do not know who your USA is you can contact the Petrinex Business Desk at 403-297-6111 (in Calgary) and 1-800-992-1144 (other locations).

Petrinex Functionality questions should be directed to the Petrinex Business Desk at petrinexsupport@petrinex.ca or call 403-297-6111 (in Calgary) and 1-800-992-1144 (other locations).

Alberta reporting policy questions should be directed to AE Volumetric & Cost Reporting at 1-780-422-8727 or VCR@gov.ab.ca or the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) PA Help Desk at 403-297-8952 ext. 3 or pa.help@aer.ca.

Saskatchewan reporting policy ​questions should be directed to ER Service Desk at 1-855-219-9373 or er.servicedesk@gov.sk.ca.

British Columbia royalty, levy and volumetrics questions should be directed to oil&gasroyaltyquestions@gov.bc.ca .

Britsh Columbia infrastructure (facility and well) questions should be directed to servicedesk@bcogc.ca​.​