

IOGC Reporting

JurisdictionTopic AreaDate – Last PublishedTitlePurpose
​IOGC Oil Valuation
​June 5/24
IOGC Oil Valuation Pending or Pending Delete Records Report
​To advise AB IOGC users that a new IOGC Oil Valuation Pending of Pending Delete Records Report is available in Petrinex to assist with IOGC oil valuation reporting. 

​IOGC Oil Val - RTP and IOGC Oil Val - Purchaser
​May 14/24
​Changes to AB IOGC Oil Valuation - RTP and IOGC Oil Valuation - Purchaser
​To inform AB IOGC users that effective December 7/23 IOGC Oil Valuation - Royalty Tax Payer and IOGC Oil Valuation - Purchaser for the products Shale Gas and Crude Bitumen has been added to the IOGC functionality in Petrinex. 

​IOGC Reporting
​Dec 2/22
IOGC Alberta Go-Live - Additional Functionality
​To inform Industry users additional enhancments were made to the existing IOGC functionality in Alberta.

​IOGC Reporting
​Dec 1/22
New AB Functionality - Add Product GAS to RTP
​To inform AB IOGC Industry uers that IOGC Royalty Tax Payer for the project GAS has been added to the IOGC functionality in Petrinex

​IOGC Reporting
​Nov 4/22
​Enhanced AB Functionality - Auto-Create Oil Valuation Records
​To inform AB IOGC Industrty uses that IOGC Oil Valuation Reporting functionality has been added in Petrinex.


​IOGC Reporting

​Jan 4/22

New SK IOGC Functionality - IOGC Ministry Reporting

​To inform SK IOGC Industry users that an enhancement has been made to the IOGC functionalty with regard to IOGC Ministry Reports.


IOGC Reporting

July 13/21

IOGC Reporting Changes in Saskatchewan

To inform Industry that Indian Oil and Gas Canada (IOGC) went live in Petr​inex with extracts from Petrinex to IOGC and additonal functionality in Saskatchewan.


​IOGC Reporting/
Reports & Queries

​Oct 21/20

​​New IOGC First Nation (FN) Interest Discrepancy Repor​t

​The IOGC First Nation (FN) Interest Discrepancy Report is available to SK operations as of June/19 and to AB operators as of October/20 from the Reports and Queries - Submit Report Request menu.