
Tips:  Current

Jurisdiction Topic Area Date - Last Published Title Purpose
​Reports & Queries
​Oct 4/24
​Suppression of Warning and Final Report Notifications for "Read Only" Users
​To inform Industry that users with “read only” access will have the Petrinex auto-generated warning and final notifications suppressed.
​Oct 2/24
​Changes to Volumetric Reporting for LNG Facilities
​To advise LNG facility operators of new requirements for volumetric reporting.
​Oct 2/24
​GCI, Perforation and Packer Report
​To outline the data contained in the new Petrinex GCI, Perforation and Packer Report and who has access to the data.
​​Oct 2/24

AER Enhanced Production Audit Program (EPAP) - CAI Revisions
​​To inform AB EPAP users when there is a revisioin to a Compliance Assessment Indicator (CAI).​

Oct 2/24​Updated
​Reporting APMC Volumes at Out-of-Province Facilities
To inform Alberta operators who deliver crown royalty (APMC) volumes to out-of province (BC/SK) facilities of a change to the reporting requirements.
Oct 2/24  
SER Enhanced Production Audit Program (EPAP) - CAI Revisions
​​To inform SK EPAP users when there is a revisioin to a Compliance Assessment Indicator (CAI).
​Gas Valuation
​Aug 8/24
​SK Helium Valuation Non-Compliance Error Billing
​To advise SK users that SER has implemented Helium Valuation Non-compliance Errors Billing functionality.
​Reports & Queries
​Aug 8/24
New Petrinex Batch Validation Downloadable Report
​To inform Petrinex users of a new downloadable report for all batch validation notifications associated with Validation Failure and Validation Success with Warning. This change does not impact Validation Success notifications.

​Aug 8/24
Fuel Gas Purchased from Gas Co-Ops Assoicated with Gas Alberta Inc.
​To remind AB users how to correctly report gas purchased from co-ops associated with Gas Alberta Inc.